An electronic watchdog, also known as a barking dog alarm, is a device that uses sensors and cameras to detect and deter intruders. When an intruder is detected, the watchdog will emit a loud barking sound that will hopefully scare off the would-be burglar.
An electronic watchdog detects any movement within its detection range. Most models have a range of up to 20 feet, but some can detect movement up to 100 feet away. The device uses passive infrared (PIR) or microwave technology to detect movement.
Our electronic watchdogs are very easy to set up and use. Place the device in a central location in your home or apartment, and it will do the rest.
An electronic watchdog is a device that emits a loud barking sound when it detects motion. The sound is designed to startle criminals and cause them to flee. Unlike a real dog, an electronic watchdog doesn’t need to be fed or exercised and won’t make a mess in your home.
An electronic watchdog is a great way to deter burglars and increase the security of your home or apartment. These devices are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, making them a great option for budget-conscious homeowners and renters. Plus, you can adjust the device’s sensitivity so it only goes off when someone is close to your property. They are effective at scaring away intruders. An electronic watchdog is a great option if you’re looking for an additional layer of security for your home.