In Business Since 1986
Safety Technology BBB Business Review

About Safety Technology

Michael Gravette President

My name is Michael Gravette and I own Safety Technology, one of the largest drop ship wholesalers of self defense products including stun guns, pepper spray, hidden cameras, diversion safes and personal alarms in the country since 1986.

Safety Technology, and I, believe that every person has the right of self-defense.

We support this right by providing a full selection of non-lethal self defense devices, stun guns, pepper sprays, personal alarms, hidden cameras, knives through our Network of Authorized Dealers.

We offer our Authorized Dealers the best possible service, selection, quality and wholesale prices so they can proudly provide these products to people who need them.

I appreciate your interest in selling our products as a part-time way to add cash to your wallet or as a full-time venture, giving you financial security. 

Please complete the form here to become an Authorized Dealer and start selling our products.

I view this as the start of a long, mutually successful business relationship, so I will fully explain our business opportunity. I want to introduce myself, tell you about this business and our wholesale items, and even help you get off to a fast, profitable start with your choice of special Start-Up Business Packages with extra discounts… show you how you can be sold on the Internet in 5 days…even give you coaching by phone every month.

Me, I’m for “the little guy.” The hard-working guy or gal or couple who believes in the American Dream and wants to get ahead. And if you’ve tried other “opportunities” before and been frustrated or disappointed, I understand that too. Been there, done that myself. See, I’ve taken great care to design a business that you can succeed at if you follow my directions.

Below are excerpts of me and my wife Nancy talking about starting Safety Technology in 1986. Filmed at a Customer Appreciation Event and is about 8 minutes long.

In 1986, I was looking for something my wife, Nancy, a flight attendant with Eastern Airlines at the time, could have with her when she traveled to make her feel safer, and me feel better about her traveling. I saw an ad for stun guns in a magazine and ordered one for her. I was impressed by it and contacted the company to see if I could buy them at wholesale to re-sell them.

Even though I had no money ($28 in my checking account), I got my business going with my first national ad in USA Today when a Discover credit card unexpectedly appeared in my mailbox with a $1,500.00 limit!

I started my business in our home with one product — stun guns. My wife, Nancy, was our Shipping Department. I still remember her getting boxes out of dumpsters because we could not afford to buy shipping boxes.

I didn’t know what I was doing, went broke once, came back smarter, and gradually developed a business plan that worked and made money every day.

We will answer any questions you or your customers have. When you get into business with us, you are not alone. You instantly have a staff of 10 people ready to help you whenever you need it.

For years we’ve been THE largest drop ship wholesaler of self-defense products in the country and now have hundreds of items you can sell!

I’m proud of that, but prouder still of the FACT that I’ve provided so many people with the opportunity, the “vehicle” that gets them to the success they want… that, in many cases, has eluded them for years.

When I started this business, I couldn’t find two nickels to rub together. I struggled. Made mistakes. I could have quit and given up. But I didn’t, and now I live a very good life.

I don’t tell you this to brag but to share the potential and income possibilities of self-defense products and hidden cameras.

And I want YOU to find your way to the good life, too, NOW, not later, and I have THE products that can get you there!

Below is a video of some of my Authorized Dealers getting a chance to see and demo some of our products at an event we had.