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How To Convince People Stun Guns Work

A woman holding a stun gun, demonstrating its use for self defense

I want to share a selling tip for stun guns I discovered 37 years ago when I sold stun guns at flea markets.

People coming to my booth would have many questions because 37 years ago, not many people knew what a stun gun was. But, there was one question I got more than any other.

“How do I know this works?”

When I would get that question, I would ask them to hold their finger out. I told them I was not going to touch their finger with the stun gun but hold it about 1/4 inch away. I then said to them that I would pull the trigger, and they would see the electricity jump from the stun gun into their finger.

Well, one of two things would happen: they would hold their finger out, or they wouldn’t.

If they held their finger out, they would see the blue electrical charge jump into the finger and feel the sting of the hit. They would jerk their finger back. I would tell them to imagine what it would feel like if I had fired it while touching their neck or chest. They were convinced.

If they refused to hold their finger out, they were afraid of what it would feel like, and they were also convinced.

So, if you sell face-to-face at a gun show, flea market, home party, or show to friends, family, or co-workers, use this technique, and they will be convinced.