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Wholesale Mace Triple Action

Oleoresin Capsicum, CN Tear Gas, UV Marking Dye Combination

Get Mace Triple Action Spray from Safety Technology at wholesale. Standard pepper spray is awesome as a non-lethal self-defense weapon all on its own. What if you could make it better by combining oleoresin capsicum pepper with other ingredients? Well, Mace has done just that. Their triple action pepper tear gas spray is one spray you do not want making contact with your face. It is a product you should sell alongside regular pepper spray, stun guns, etc.

About Mace Triple Action Spray

Your typical pepper spray is a combination of oleoresin capsicum pepper and a non-toxic vegetable dye. Pepper is usually between 10% and 18% by volume. Mace triple action pepper tear gas goes way beyond mere 10% pepper. This product combines oleoresin capsicum pepper with CN tear gas and UV marking die. You get triple the action:

  1. Oleoresin capsicum pepper causes pain and swelling of the eyes and nasal passages
  2. CN tear gas causes disorientation, burning pain, and tearing of the eyes
  3. UV marking dye leaves a mark on your assailant so he or she can be easily identified by police.

If your customers are excited by standard pepper spray, they are going to be a lot more excited about Mace triple action spray. We hope you’ll consider adding it to your inventory. This is an excellent product you can sell online, in a retail store, or at gun shows and self-defense exhibitions.

Sell Mace Triple Action Sprays

The demand for this Mace product is there, so we have made every effort to make selling it as easy as possible. That includes offering you five different triple action sprays to choose from. You can sell the personal model, pocket model, fogger model, homeland model, and police model. Each one is a different size to meet different needs. Each comes with a quick-flip top for easy access to the trigger.

There is no need to sell just one or two when you can carry all five Mace triple action spray products. Get a couple of each and then just pay attention to what sells the most. It will not take long for your customers to let you know what they want. Just note what they buy.

The Power of the Mace Brand

We are fairly confident in saying that your customers will want Mace triple action spray for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the power of the Mace brand. Mace is the company that started it all with their first self-defense spray developed more than 50 years ago. They have been a leader in tear gas and pepper sprays ever since.

When you carry Mace, you are telling your customers that you want to offer them the best product money can buy. It tells them that you are a dealer of reputation. Give them a fair price and good customer service and they will return to you time and again. Whenever they need more Mace or some other self-defense item, you will be the dealer they turn to.

Likewise, we want to be the wholesale distributor you rely on for Mace triple action spray and all your personal safety and self-defense products. We sell everything in our inventory at low, wholesale prices to dealers all over the country. We want to be your wholesaler of choice.

Here to Help You Sell Mace Triple Action Spray

Safety Technology isn’t here just to sell you Mace triple action spray and move on. No, we want to help you make good money reselling it to your retail customers. In fact, we are here to help you become a successful retailer of all sorts of personal safety and self-defense products. That is why we are in business.

There is money to be made in this industry. We know because we have been at it for decades. We started out as small operation with few resources and lots of ambition. Today we are one of the first names in personal safety and self-defense. We want to give back some of what this industry has given us by helping dealers like you succeed as business owners.

If you want to sell Mace triple action spray as a dealer, the first step is to complete and submit our online dealer form. You can fill it out in just minutes. Once we receive your application, we will instruct you about the documentation we need to verify the existence of your business. Receipt of that documentation will allow us to grant you access to the dealer section of our website, where you will find product lists, pricing, web- and print-ready graphics, our full-color catalog, and more.

Sell Mace Triple Action Spray However You Want

Understand that becoming a Safety Technology dealer does not mean you are working for us. You’ll be working for yourself as an independent business owner. That means you can sell Mace triple action spray however you want. There isn’t just one way to do this. You might even say that you are limited only by your own imagination.

Some of our dealers started out by selling pepper spray products at home parties. They downloaded and printed our catalog to take with them to their gathering. At those parties, they gave a brief presentation about self-defense before passing around the catalog. Then they sat back and started taking orders.

Home parties are a fantastic way to get your feet wet. Once things are rolling, you can expand your business by seeking out other venues for sales. You can sell at flea markets and gun shows, for example. Flea markets are high-traffic environments in which most of the customers are there just looking to spend. Selling at gun shows should be self-explanatory.

As an incentive for this kind of selling, Safety Technology offers flea market and gun show complete packages that include dozens of different items that tend to be very popular in those environments. We offer special pricing on these packages to give you more opportunity to make a good profit.

Sell Mace Products Online

Some of our dealers are not really good at face-to-face sales. That’s okay. We aren’t all dynamic salespersons capable of convincing a stranger to buy what we’re selling. But that should not stop you from being a successful Safety Technology dealer. You can sell Mace triple action spray alongside our other products online. When you sell online, there are no face-to-face interactions to worry about.

Build a website from the ground up or use a content management system like WordPress or Magento. Include a shopping cart application, list as many of our products as you want, and then just arrange for a payment processor to handle credit and debit cards. That’s it. You’re all set.

Don’t know how to build a website? No worries, we can build one for you. We have 40 designs for you to choose from.

Dropship Mace Triple Action Spray

Regardless of your chosen sales venues, Safety Technology offers yet another innovative way for you to make money selling Mace triple action spray: dropshipping. Perhaps you’ve heard of this business model before.

Dropshipping combines our resources as a wholesaler with your drive and passion as a retail marketer. We serve your customers together. However, there is one caveat: your customers never know we even exist. That’s because they deal directly with you, and you alone.

Your job as the retailer is to market Mace triple action spray in whatever way you see fit. As you receive customer orders, you login to your Safety Technology account and order the products you need to fill those orders. You also provide customer shipping information. Rather than send the orders to you, we ship them direct to your customers in packaging that identifies you as the seller.

Here’s the big picture: dropshipping allows you to sell Mace triple action spray and our other products without having to stock them in your home or office. And because we handle the packing and shipping for you, you do not have to worry about that either. All you have to do is sell, sell, sell.

Let’s Build Your Business Together

Mace triple action spray is just one of hundreds of products you can buy at wholesale prices from Safety Technology. Buy in bulk and you will get even better pricing. At any rate, we are here to offer you the products and assistance you need to build your own successful personal safety and self-defense business.

If you are ready to get started, fill out and submit our online dealer form. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions shortly thereafter. As soon as we get you up and running, you’ll be on your way to making money and building a strong business. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to Safety Technology if you need help.