In Business Since 1986
Safety Technology BBB Business Review

Bear and Dog Repellers

Safety Technology offers a comprehensive range of non-lethal animal repellents, including bear spray, dog repellent, and ultrasonic dog repellers, designed for protection in both wild and suburban settings. These products are crafted to provide safety during unpredictable animal encounters without causing long-term harm, making them essential tools for outdoor enthusiasts, residents in bear-prone areas, and individuals in urban settings. 

The company supports dealers through various sales channels, including face-to-face interactions, online platforms, and participation in trade shows, while also offering a top drop shipping program to minimize inventory and overhead costs. Aspiring dealers can start their business promptly by completing an online application, setting their business goals, and leveraging Safety Technology’s full customer support and marketing resources. The growing demand for personal safety items presents a lucrative opportunity for new dealers in the self-defense market, with the advantages of significant profit potential and support from an established company.

Bear Spray, Dog Repellent, Ultrasonic Dog Repeller

Every threat to a person’s safety does not necessarily come from criminals’ hands. Sometimes, an aggressive animal can do just as much damage. We give you and your customers a leg up by carrying a range of animal repellents that are as useful in the wild as they are in suburban America. We have bear spray, dog repellent, and an electronic ultrasonic dog repeller. Be sure to stock animal repellents alongside those personal safety products aimed at the criminal element.

Why We Sell Animal Repellents

Solid local regulations and excellent wildlife management have significantly reduced the number of violent incidents between aggressive animals and human beings. But there is no way to guarantee that a person will never have to face an angry dog or a protective mother bear. Things happen.

If you read the news, you know that people die every year after unfortunate encounters with animals. We sell animal repellents to give people in such situations the upper hand. Our repellents are divided into two categories: bears and dogs.

Bear repellents are ideal for people who spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, in locations frequented by bears. Of course, there are residential neighborhoods in specific locations around the country where bears are known to be a problem. People living in such neighborhoods would do well to arm themselves with a bear repellent.

Dog repellents are less for the great outdoors and more for the suburban or urban neighborhood. They are an excellent option for runners and joggers, bicyclists, postal workers, meter readers, and others who routinely encounter dogs throughout the day.

These Are Non-Lethal Animal Repellents

If you are worried about causing long-term damage or death to the animals affected by these repellents, you can dismiss that worry. These repellents are as non-lethal to animals as pepper spray is to humans. Animal repellents cause a lot of discomfort, but they are not deadly or harmful in the long term.

A good bear spray can cause enough discomfort to stop aggressive action while the user escapes. We sell two bear spray products that do just that. Animal repellents for dogs work the same way. They neutralize an aggressive canine long enough for a person to get away and call authorities.

Please understand how vital these animal repellents are. When certain animals get aggressive, they can be highly unpredictable. One of your customers can move from a seemingly safe and innocuous situation into a life-threatening emergency in mere seconds. Access to a handy and easy-to-use animal repellent could mean the difference between stopping an attack and facing severe injury or death.

The idea here is not to harm aggressive animals but to prevent them from harming you. That’s why animal repellents are considered non-lethal self-defense. You are not on the attack with a bear or dog spray. Instead, the spray only comes out when you need to defend yourself.

How to Sell Our Animal Deterrent Products

The need for animal repellents should be clear by now. So, let’s move on to how you can sell them. You can sell animal repellents via face-to-face sales, online means, or a combination. You choose. After all, your role as a Safety Technology dealer is an independent business owner with total control over everything you do.

Should you decide that face-to-face sales are your preferred avenue, an excellent place to start is trade shows that focus on outdoor activities. Local hunting and fishing shows are both beautiful examples. You can also sell at RV, boat, and gun shows. Each show gathers many people in a small space where they can hear your message.

Note that these shows tend to solicit vendors long before they come to town, so you must be proactive in selling this way. Research when shows are coming to your local area. You will have to dig around to find contact information. Then, renting your table or booth space and getting out there to meet your customers is a matter of course.

You can sell animal repellents:

  • Via Home Parties – Order our color catalogs in anticipation of holding your personal safety home party. Success with one party should lead to a second, then a third, and so on. Home parties are a fantastic way to sell animal repellents.
  • In a Retail Setting—Selling via traditional retail in strip malls, downtown storefronts, and mall kiosks is still profitable. If you find the right location with good foot traffic, you should be able to sell our animal repellents and other products reasonably quickly.
  • Online – No, we haven’t forgotten the online sales model. Sell online by building a website or letting Safety Technology build one. Sell on eBay and Amazon or hook up with an e-commerce company that offers a complete retail package. You can even sell online via classified ad sites.
  • At Flea Markets—If you have ever visited a flea market, you know it is one venue where you can find niche products unavailable anywhere else. That makes flea markets the perfect environment for animal repellents. Flea market customers come looking to spend, and you have a product they want.

Sell through all or just some of these venues. Do whatever works for you.

Start Selling ASAP

With all the different ways to self, you are limited only by your imagination, creativity, and willingness to invest in your business. We do not want to give you any illusions of overnight success. Building a successful retail operation takes time and effort. You have to start somewhere.

We encourage you to start selling animal repellents as soon as you can. Complete our online dealer application, get your Safety Technology dealer account, and make our products available to your potential customers. The sooner you start, the sooner you will be on the road to building a successful retail operation. Safety Technology will be behind you every step of the way.

As you set up your business, consider both long-term and short-term goals. In the short term, your primary goal is to start selling a few pieces here and there—to get the ball rolling, as it were. Decide whether your business will be a full-time or part-time endeavor in the long term.

We have dealers selling animal repellents and other products strictly part-time, working local trade shows on the weekends. They keep their full-time jobs and all the benefits those jobs afford. That’s a fine choice.

We have other dealers who turn their businesses into full-time ventures. They work 40+ hours per week and become their employers, using the profits to pay themselves and anyone else who might work for them. This is an equally valid choice.

Don’t Forget That We Drop Ship

We must remind you that Safety Technology offers one of the best dropshipping programs in the country to talk about selling animal repellents. We are also not afraid to say that we are the largest dropshipper in the personal safety and self-defense industry.

This is important because dropshipping is a way to start your new business without a massive investment in inventory and shipping. You have no overhead because we stock the products you sell in our warehouse. When we ship, we ship directly to your customer rather than you.

You can operate a dropshipping business from a small office, your apartment, or a spare room in your home. All you need is a computer and a willingness to sell.

Dropshipping creates a mutually beneficial relationship between you and us. You benefit by being able to sell animal repellent and other personal safety items without having to invest in stock for shipping, and we benefit by moving more products. Together, both of our businesses do well under the dropshipping model.

Are You Ready to Sell Animal Repellent?

We have told you everything you need to know to start selling animal repellents as a Safety Technology dealer. So, are you ready to start selling? If so, what are you waiting for?

We make selling our products as easy as possible through wholesale pricing, full customer support, and a range of resources to help you reach your customers. When you become a Safety Technology dealer, you will have access to our full-color digital catalog (which you can email to people), a complete price list, individual product descriptions, print and web-ready graphics, and more. If you ever need help, we are just a phone call or email away.

The personal safety and self-defense market still has plenty of room for dealers like you. So let’s not wait any longer. Submit your dealer application to get the ball rolling on becoming a Safety Technology dealer. Once those orders start rolling in, you’ll be glad you did.