In Business Since 1986
Safety Technology BBB Business Review

Wholesale Disguised Knives

Pens, Credit Card, Combs Hidden Knives

There are times a person might want to carry a knife without anyone else knowing about it.

Perhaps the knife is intended for self-defense, or maybe the person just wants it for utility purposes.

In either case, a disguised knife might be the best option.

Disguised Knives Explained

The disguised knife is a knife that has been designed to look like something else at first glance. Disguised knives are a lot like disguised pepper sprays that give the user a split second of extra time to deploy without an attacker knowing what’s coming. Just like our industry can hide a pepper spray inside a perfume bottle, we can also hide a knife blade in a lot of different ways.

A disguised knife looks like an ordinary device people would carry in a pocket, purse, or bag. Consider our credit card folding knife. It has a thin, surgically sharp blade tucked inside a piece of tough plastic designed to look like a credit card. Flip the blade out and turn the sides of the card over to create a handle and you are ready to put this knife to use.

We also offer a disguised knife built into a comb. The comb portion is a sheath that covers the blade. They come in pink and black. And of course, don’t forget the tried-and-true penknife. Our pen knives are not just knives shaped like pens, they are actual writing instruments too. Your customers can use the pen to write checks, sign for packages, or write themselves notes. All the while they’ll have a sharp blade at their disposal should they ever need it.

Target Audience for Disguised Knives

You know your customers better than Safety Technology. Still though, you may not know who your target audience should be for disguised knives. Let’s start with the same customers looking to buy pepper spray and stun guns. These are customers who believe in the concept of self-defense as a right and responsibility.

A disguised knife gives that customer another option in an emergency. This is the kind of customer who not only believes in self-defense, but also in the idea of stealth. Carrying a disguised knife gives the customer the edge in the event of a confrontation because his or her attacker is more than likely to be caught off guard.

Another target group would be those people who use knives for utilitarian purposes. Take a delivery driver, for example. He might not want to walk around with a large and conspicuous knife clipped to his belt. A disguised knife is a lot less noticeable yet still just as functional.

Buy Disguised Knives at Wholesale

Your target audience for disguised knives can be as big or small as you want it to be. It is up to you. But if you are going to sell items like this, you want the best wholesale prices you can find. That’s where Safety Technology comes in. You can buy disguised knives from us at one of the lowest wholesale prices in the industry. We keep our prices as low as we can in order to allow our dealers as much room as possible for markup.

The best thing about buying from us is that you get more than just wholesale products for resale. You also get the full support of the Safety Technology staff and all our combined experience dating back more than 20 years. We are here to answer your questions and support you in your business endeavors. So yes, you get some great disguised knives when you order from us. But you will also get us as well.

Sell at Gun Shows

The next question on your mind might be where on earth you would sell disguised knives. A great place to start is the gun show. People who visit gun shows are already attuned to self-defense for obvious reasons. You can sell disguised knives alongside gun-related products or as completely separate items. You can offer the knives along with our pepper sprays, stun guns, and other personal safety items.

We offer gun show kits for dealers who do a lot of volume in this market. We would be happy to include an inventory of disguised knives along with any gun show kits you decide to purchase. Suffice it to say that gun shows are one of your best opportunities as a personal safety dealer. Everything from disguised knives to personal alarm systems do extremely well at gun shows.

Hopefully you live in an area with enough gun shows to keep you busy year-round. If not, you may have to travel or supplement your gun show sales by other means. Not to worry though, there are lots of other ways to sell disguised knives and other Safety Technology items.

A Good Demonstration Helps

Whether the you sell at gun shows, flea markets, or in a more traditional retail setting, we have discovered that demonstrations work extremely well. It is one thing to walk up to a display table and see a disguised knife under a glass case or still in its retail package; it’s an entirely different matter to see a demonstration of how it works.

Demonstrating how a disguised knife works engages your customers’ minds and imaginations. If you are comfortable enough to let customers handle the knives, that’s even better. It is like buying a house. If a customer can imagine him or herself with the knife in hand in the event of emergency, making the sale will be that much easier.

Obviously, live demonstrations are not possible when you’re selling online. But you can record video demonstrations and put them on your website. We have done that here at Safety Technology. Why? Because videos are a fantastic way to sell disguised knives. We live in a very visual society, and videos do something that text on a page never can: actually show someone how a piece of technology works.

Sell Disguised Knives Online

A good way to supplement your live sales is to sell disguised knives online. Better yet, you might decide to sell exclusively online. Either option is doable. Online sales can be accomplished in many different ways, beginning with selling on eBay and Amazon. Already established retail sites offer a turn-key selling environment that requires very little effort on your part. However, know that there is a lot of competition already on those sites. You will need a way to differentiate yourself from others.

One way to do that is to set up your own personal safety website. The many advantages of having your own site include being able to carry more than just disguised knives. With your own site, you could sell every product in our inventory.

Build your own site from scratch, let us build one for you, or sign on with an all-in-one e-commerce solution like Shopify. No matter how you do it, you will be setting up your own online storefront where customers can buy from the comfort of their own homes.

We Drop Ship Disguised Knives

If you do not think you can afford to sell online, step back and reflect on it for just a minute. Much of the cost of retail is wrapped up in purchasing and stocking inventory. You do not have to do that when you sell Safety Technology items online. Why? Because we dropship everything in our inventory.

We can dropship disguised knives along with every other product we sell. Dropshipping is an arrangement by which we handle all the stocking and shipping. Your part of the deal is to go out and sell. When people buy from you, you turn around and purchase from us. We ship the items directly to your customer in packaging with your name on it. That’s how dropshipping works.

The advantage of dropshipping is that you can get your business started with a minimal financial investment. As your business grows, you can continue dropshipping or you can start stocking your own items. We charge you the same price either way. That’s right, there are no extra fees for dropshipping.

Add Disguised Knives to Your Business

If you are already involved in the personal safety and self-defense business, we encourage you to add disguised knives to your inventory. These are great items that sell for both utilitarian and novelty purposes. A good selection of disguised knives will round out your inventory of personal self-defense items.

All you need to do to start selling our disguised knives is sign up for a Safety Technology dealer account. It’s fast, easy, and costs you nothing. Once you are approved as a dealer, you’ll have access to every product in our inventory.

Safety Technology dealers enjoy great wholesale pricing along with a variety of extras designed to help their businesses flourish. We offer a full color catalog for download, a complete price list, print- and web-ready graphics, and a regular Safety Technology newsletter to keep all our dealers in the loop. If you are ready to start selling disguised knives as one of our dealers, fill out the new dealer application today.